Fstab barrier option

By: zoolook Date: 08.06.2017

On a clean Ubuntu The line that got added in the fstab file is this. I've bumped into this while trying to move the home folder to a different partition.

I've done it, and everything is working fine. Now I'm in the process of 'securing' it, and choosing those options more wisely like adding nodev and nosuid. So, do I need to add 'defaults' or not?

fstab barrier option

Why is it not added? Also, I've seen that relatime is in the defaults for Natty Narwhal. But are the defaults running if there is no mention of the defaults keyword in fstab and the 'mount' output? When you use contradicting options like defaults,noexec , the later will take precedence. By posting your answer, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service. Sign up or log in to customize your list. Stack Exchange Inbox Reputation and Badges.

[SOLVED] get EXT4 faster using using mount option nobarrier

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Default fstab mount options. Which specific options are the 'defaults' anyway in Natty Narwhal? Peter Mortensen 1, 2 10 As per man mount if you use the option defaults: If you don't state any options, the default options in Ubuntu are rw,relatime.

I was starting to get the impression that if 'defaults' is not explicitly mentioned, it is implied anyway, and it was removed from the fstab default configuration because of redundancy if other options exist.

fstab barrier option

Something is not right. I just tested it: What is going on?

Mounting Block Devices [OpenWrt Wiki]

As per man mount again: Some of these options could be enabled or disabled by default in the system kernel. It's better to list the desired options one by one and check its availability.

fstab barrier option

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