Professions that make money wow

By: FernandoGomezz Date: 14.07.2017

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professions that make money wow

This website uses cookies. By further browsing you consent to such use. Forums General Best profession for gold making?

professions that make money wow

Best profession for gold making? Trollbane Turalyon Twilight's Hammer Vashj Vek'nilash Xavius Zenedar. Which profession can give you the most gold in Legion?

Bags always sell well, in my experience. Gathering professions as far as I'm concerned, herbalism most of all.

World of Warcraft Forums

You'll get more per raw ingredient than you do making the item, so you're better off selling the raw materials than you are to process them and make them into items. Though that might not be true for your server, so double check it to be sure.

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Also get boon of the bloodhunter on your shoulders before you start farming. You will eventually land a few mobs on you, and with that you can sack a few bloods as well to purchase more materials from the blood trader. There are a couple of not-so-good professions out there, but there definitely is no "best" profession for making gold.

If you want to make gold, have many alts with a mix of professions. There are a lot of very cheap materials in the AH, that can be refined and resold at great profit up to 50 times of the initial cost.

Use your main to actually play the game - don't get distracted by nodes.

professions that make money wow

Just buy a few hundred of the cheapest on sale, relist half of them at double price and keep the other half. Free mats and no farming required.

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I'm not even making this up. Just requires a bit of patience.

Some mats are slower than others. You will learn what's worth your while and what's not.

WoW Legion Tailoring Profession - Why you should get it on your alts! [Wow Legion Gold Guide]

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