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Scandinavian Economic History Review , Vol. Atlantic Herring in Estonia: In the Transverse Waves of International Economy and National Ideology.

multilateral and bilateral trade policies in the world trading system an historical perspective

Journal of Baltic Studies , Vol. The Economic History Review , Vol.

Tariff Liberalisation and the Growth of World Trade: A Comparative Historical Analysis of the Multilateral Trading System. The World Economy , Vol. Freund, Caroline and Ornelas, Emanuel Annual Review of Economics , Vol. Huberman, Michael and Meissner, Christopher M. Riding the Wave of Trade: The Rise of Labor Regulation in the Golden Age of Globalization.

The Journal of Economic History , Vol. The Unconditional Most-Favored-Nation Clause and the Maintenance of the Liberal Trade Regime in the Postwar s. International Organization , Vol.

Coping with Shocks and Shifts: The Multilateral Trading System in Historical Perspective | Oxford Economic and Social History Working Papers | Working Papers

Effects of Bilateralism and the MFN Clause on International Trade: Evidence for the Cobden-Chevalier Network, Discrimination in international trade: Acta Politica , Vol. Perraton, Jonathan Goldblatt, David Held, David and Mcgrew, Anthony The globalisation of economic activity. New Political Economy , Vol.

The People's Cube - Political Humor & Satire

View all Google Scholar citations for this chapter. Events of the past two decades have generated increasing concern about the direction of the world trading system. While the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade GATT helped orchestrate the substantial reduction in tariffs after World War II, the multilateral approach to trade liberalisation has encountered difficulty in stemming the proliferation of non-tariff trade barriers and in extending international rules to new areas of trade.

Meanwhile, the appearance of bilateral or regional trade arrangements in Europe, the Americas, and elsewhere provides an alternative track for expediting trade reform, but also risks deteriorating into exclusionary, trade-diverting blocs that possibly may bring harm to world welfare.

The loss of momentum in the multilateral system and the movement toward bilateral agreements have sparked renewed debate over the relative merits of the two approaches to trade liberalisation. This chapter aims to provide some historical insight into this debate by examining whether multilateral or bilateral trade policies have been more effective in promoting trade reforms in the past.

How has trade liberalisation been achieved in the past, and which types of policies have proved constructive or detrimental to multilateral cooperation on trade policy? Throughout the chapter the focus will be almost exclusively on trade policies in Europe, not only because Europe accounted for the bulk of international trade during these periods but because trade policies set much of the agenda for the rest of the world.

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The Political Economy of the World Trading System : WTO and Beyond: WTO and - Bernard Hoekman, Michel Kostecki - Google Livres

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Introduction Events of the past two decades have generated increasing concern about the direction of the world trading system. New Dimensions in Regional Integration.

Edited by Jaime De Melo , Arvind Panagariya. Who would you like to send this to? Please enter a valid email address Email already added.

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