Less than a decade ago the idea of playing video games to earn a good salary would have been considered insane.

The amount a specific professional player earns will vary per person but here is our take on the question: How much does a professional League of Legends player make?

To find out roughly how much a professional League player makes we need to consider many things. Important factors are their region, their success, their income streams and their personality. Being a League of Legends professional player can be difficult because you have to manage many different sources of revenue.

Thankfully your organization can often do this for you. Take prize money for example: Some teams will evenly split their money out between players, some teams will take their own cut, some teams will give their substitute players a portion of the winnings, some teams will give their players none of the prize money but a higher salary; the possibilities are almost limitless.

The same confusion can come into play with sponsorships. The professional League of Legends scene is highly sponsored with some big names but this money could go directly to the player or to the organization the player represents. The amount of money a professional LoL player earns will change depending on their organization even if all the revenue streams remain the same. The amount a professional League of Legends player earns from tournaments depends on how well they perform.

The amount of money players earn for winning tournaments is pretty good when you consider that they receive a salary on top of this. Streaming is the real income stream for most professional League of Legends players. When a streamer appears on Twitch. If you consider a streamer with a few thousand subscribers this can very easily add up.

Another way you can make money on Twitch is to play advertisements.

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The money available for streamers on twitch. Until around the salary for League of Legends professional players varied massively. The amount of money a professional LoL player earns from their salary will vary depending on how good they are.

Sponsorships vary massively in size. Some sponsors will be small brands that offer players a cut of any sales they make. Other sponsorships will be from massive companies such as T-Mobile or Corsair.

Is your teen son earning millions playing videogames? - Telegraph

These big name brands can sponsor teams to wear their branded gear and will usually pay for the professional players travel expenses, entry fees and living expenses.

You work round the clock playing the same game every single day to improve your mental and physical skills.

Is your teen son earning millions playing videogames? - Telegraph

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how much money does the average pro gamer make

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Toggle navigation Reviews Smurf Accounts How it Works FAQ About League Tips Scholarship Contact. Enjoy learning about the finances of Gaming? Different Income Streams for Pro-gamers To find out roughly how much a professional League player makes we need to consider many things. How LoL Pros Earn their Money Being a League of Legends professional player can be difficult because you have to manage many different sources of revenue.

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For League of Legends pros here are some of their primary methods for earning money: How much do LoL Pros Earn from Tournaments? How much do LoL Pros Earn from Streaming? How much do LoL Pros earn from Salaries? How much do LoL Pros earn from Sponsorships? So How Much Total Does a Pro Gamer Make? How to win at League of Legends How much do LoL players earn?

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